We saved :
1 452 tCO₂
EVAS platform highlights initiatives and empowers concrete solutions that aim at protecting the environment and fighting against global warming.
EVAS & allies join forces to support cities and businesses in the organization and implementation of green initiatives (ex: planting trees & corals, clean walking, beach cleaning…) with a positive impact, boosting the engagement of all parties.
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Learn more about these projects and the NGO’s which deploy them, and support the causes that matter to you!
Semeurs de Forêts aims to recreate forest oases where fauna and flora can flourish quietly, limiting human interventions to the maximum.
Wings of the Ocean has developed a sailing mission aboard the Kraken, a 42m-masted Kraken, with the aim of surveying neighbouring Mediterranean coasts
Les récifs coralliens abritent plus de 25% de toute la vie marine, ce qui en fait l'un des écosystèmes les plus diversifiés au monde. Préservons les !
With this interactive map, you can locate and support projects around you within just a few clicks!